ACR to attend the European Aviation Conference November 7-8 in Vienna

ACR CEO Wilhelm Wohlfahrt will address the industry on Friday, November 8th at 14.00

What is wrong with ATM pricing?

ANSP pricing is governed by the accounting rules established by ICAO last century - ’cost recovery’ is the basis for ATM charging. It also assumes technology from last century too. In the meantime, the rest of the industry takes a modern, economic pricing approach, with dynamic offer management, continuous pricing, volume discounts, differential pricing and demand-based charging. Digitization is driving different thinking in the way services are delivered, as well as priced. When will the ATM community start to price their product effectively and efficiently, taking advantage of the new digital technologies? Should there be brokers?


  • Andrew Charlton, ATM Policy Institute

Industry Address


  • Nicole Adler, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

  • Margaret Arblaster, Monash University, Melbourne

  • Lubos Hlinovsky, Czech ANSP

  • Magdalena Jaworska, Performance Review Body of the Single European Sky

Click on the image to download the 2019 EAC Program


Support study to the evaluation of cost allocation to marketable terminal air navigation services


Congratulations to ACR's upcoming air traffic controllers